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Now Available On-Demand: Future Directions in Consumer Neurotechnology Workshop

IEEE Brain: Future Directions in Consumer Neurotechnology Workshop

Register for free on-demand access to this 2-day workshop that brought together the various groups working towards bringing neurotechnology to a much broader consumer audience.


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Human-like brain helps robot out of a maze

10 December 2021, Eindhoven University of Technology

Human-like brain helps robot out of a maze

Eindhoven University of Technology

“A maze is a popular device among psychologists to assess the learning capacity of mice or rats. But how about robots? Can they learn to successfully navigate the twists and turns of a labyrinth? Now, researchers at the Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) and the Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research in Mainz, Germany, have proven they can. Their robot bases its decisions on the very system humans use to think and act: the brain. The study, which was published in Science Advances, paves the way to exciting new applications of neuromorphic devices in health and beyond.”

Read more – Eindhoven University of Technology

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Brain Chip Combines Electrodes and Microfluidics

14 December 2021, IEEE Spectrum

Brain Chip Combines Electrodes and Microfluidics

Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST)

“Neurons use electrical pulses and chemicals to communicate with each other. Analyzing both is critical for studying brain function and spotting brain diseases, but today’s implants can measure only one or the other.

Researchers in Korea have now made a multifunctional chip that can measure both electrical charges and neurochemicals in the brain, and can also inject drugs in real time. They tested the chip, which is smaller than a U.S. quarter-dollar coin, in live mice. “

Read more – IEEE Spectrum

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Funding Opportunities


funding opportunities

Find out about funding opportunities related to the BRAIN Initiative offered by funding sources such as NIH, NSF, DARPA, and others.


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About the IEEE Brain Initiative

For more information or to get involved with this initiative, please send an email to brain@ieee.org.

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